Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in /usr/lib/php/pixilink/classes/StrataPage.php on line 570
Server shutdown in progressSELECT MIN(`suite_no`) AS min_suite, MAX(`suite_no`) AS max_suite, COUNT(*) AS count, street_number, street_name, COUNT(DISTINCT(suite_no)) AS suites, GROUP_CONCAT(listings_master.listingid) as mls_sources, GROUP_CONCAT(subarea) as subarea, GROUP_CONCAT(city) as city, GROUP_CONCAT(street_dir) as street_dir, GROUP_CONCAT(street_name) as street_name, GROUP_CONCAT(complex) as complex, GROUP_CONCAT(street_type) as street_type, GROUP_CONCAT(postalcode) as postalcode, GROUP_CONCAT(area) as area, GROUP_CONCAT(yearbuilt) as yearbuilt, GROUP_CONCAT(LFD_Construction_41) as construction, GROUP_CONCAT(LFD_BylawRestrictions_58 SEPARATOR '|') as bylaw_restrictions, GROUP_CONCAT(amenity SEPARATOR '|') as amenity, GROUP_CONCAT(LFD_MaintFeeIncludes_57 SEPARATOR '|') as maint_fees_inc, GROUP_CONCAT(LM_Int4_1) as units_in_development, GROUP_CONCAT(LM_Int4_2) as units_in_strata, GROUP_CONCAT(LM_Int2_8) as levels, GROUP_CONCAT(`lat`) as lat, GROUP_CONCAT(`lng`) as lng, GROUP_CONCAT(internal_building_id) as internal_building_id FROM boards.listings_master JOIN boards.vancouver_attached on (vancouver_attached.sysid = listings_master.sysid) WHERE strata_no = 'LMS3758' AND class = 2 and suite_no <> '' and city = 'VANCOUVER' and area = 'VANCOUVER EAST' and (postalarea = 'V5S' OR st_distance_sphere(GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT (', lng, ' ', lat, ')')), point(-123.043343, 49.206358)) < 250) GROUP BY `street_number`